Buy Now, Pay Later with

Do you want to pay with Clearpay? It's simple and quick, just follow the below! Learn more

Paying with Clearpay is Simple

It’s so simple, you can do it in just three steps.
Step 1 Add a product to your bag and head to checkout.
Step 2 Select to pay with Clearpay and complete your order.
Step 3 Receive a decision instantly & pay in 4 automatic, interest-free instalments every two weeks with no additional fees (when paid on time).

All you need to start

A UK Bank Account
To be over 18 years of age
A UK residential address
Please Note: Clearpay are an independent payment company - Thompson Pianos has no influence over their application process. If you have any queries in regards to this or payment, please contact Clearpay Customer Service
Do you have any questions for us?
Feel free to reach out to ourselves or Clearpay. Visit Clearpay Help Centre

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